Fact Find

Use this fillable PDF document to provide your current situation, goals and Risk Profile to us. We use the information contained in this document to prepare the Statement of Advice, which contains our recommendations. Once complete, you can print this document and post to us, or save it and email to us.

Financial Services Guide

This document details who we are, what services we provide and how we are paid. Download it to learn more about Wealth Creation Advisors and Apogee FP, before our first meeting or next review meeting. You will also be provided with a hard copy at the first meeting.

Budget Planning Tool

Use this tool to help plan your current cashflow situation details the expenses in either weekly, fortnightly, quarterly or yearly format, then projects for the entire year. Uses current 2014/15 tax calculations.

Let's Chat

    How to get started

    To start making informed financial decisions call our friendly office to arrange a conversation with one of our team.